There are many activities that can grab and hold the senior men’s attention and interest. From this comprehensive list you can find several that will be a hit!
Men’s activities can seem difficult to come up with to keep them occupied, stimulated and interested. Men don’t usually care to do some activities that women love to do, or not for that long. Tea parties, cooking and baking, even bingo and crafts can begin to bore some of the men that would like more masculine things to do and talk about.
But just as women love to talk about the ingredients in a fruit cake, men still love to talk about whatever has interested them. Usually politics, sports and various hobbies they may have had from years ago such as hunting or fishing.
An honourable quality built into most people is the desire to share knowledge and experience. Although the seniors may have less memory recall and less agility they have had many life experiences and knowledge that they would like to share. Sharing with younger people can be very stimulating to the elderly, particularly if the youth are responsive and respectful.
Just having an opinion heard can make a man feel fully accepted and like he is participating in a valuable activity. Men may enjoy sitting with newspapers and discussing current events. One man may be able to read articles to the others or a male activity coordinator or volunteer could help to get a discussion going. This could also be around sports or any other topic of interest as well.
Here is a list of some activities you might try. Not all of these will be appropriate for men with physical difficulties or limitations, but may help in inspiring you to some adaptations to make them work.
- Train sets
- Boxing videos
- Magic tricks
- Whistling contests
- Old western movies (John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, etc)
- Old time radio (Bob Hope, Gunsmoke, etc)
- Old TV shows on video (Hee Haw, Bonanza, Andy Griffith, etc)
- Karaoke (Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, etc)
- Competitions involving who can do “_____” the longest, or furthest, etc
- Crib
- Gin rummy
- Canasta
- Any card games of interest
- Checkers
- Chess
- Dominoes
- Horseshoes
- Bocce ball
- Toolbox trivia
- Trivia
- Wii games
- Darts
- Video games
- Magnetic fish in a pool and a short rod and reel rigged to ‘catch’ them
- Fishing
- Hiking
- Fly fishing
- Canoeing/boating
- Campfire/camping
- Outings with boy scouts
- Gardening
- Bird watching
- Washing cars/detailing
- Kite flying
- Hotdog roast
- BBQ (let the men that are able, BBQ their own meat)
- Knot tying
- Treasure hunt
- Using a compass
- Handymen tasks
- Beer (Apple cider/non-alcoholic beer/root beer) club
- Newspaper club
- Jazz night
- Jam session
- Casino night
- Poker night
- Men’s breakfasts
- Bible study
- Movie night
- Pizza night
- Comedy night
- Vaudeville night
- Stand up comedy
- Happy hour
- Men’s fashion show (have one)
- Men’s spa day
- Painting projects (a community fence or park picnic tables)
- Computer class
- Martial arts instruction (low intensity like Tai Chi)
- Survival course (ie: how to start a fire -a class; or just have a guest speaker)
- Safety or first aid training
- The men could be guest speakers to a school class about something they know well
- Shadow a tradesman (be a helper for a day or few hours to a plumber, carpenter, mechanic, etc)
- Guests like sports figures, carpenters, or others that can demonstrate anything of interest
- Visit a jazz club
- Coffee at the mall
- Outings with boy scouts
- Visit a garden center
- Car shows
- Horse races
- Hooters restaurant
- Farmer’s markets
- Visit parks
- Outdoor shows
- Visit a military base
- Visit a police department
- Visit a fire hall
- Visit a local library
- Garage sales
- Flea markets
- Visit a barbershop
- Volunteering
- Visit a planetarium
- Go swimming
- Animals; visit zoos, shelters, farms
- Parades (be in them or watch them)
- Visit a local coffee shop or ice cream shop
- Visit a museum (Cars, airplanes, dinosaurs)
- Visit a home store like Lowe’s or Home Depot
Party Themes
- Gangster party
- Football party
(as player, spectator or Umpire; adapt for indoor versions too)
- Baseball games
- Soccer games
- Football games
- Basketball
- Car races
- Rodeos
- ‘Body building’ workout
- Bowling
- Golf /putting (mini and regular)
- Stationary bike races (who can go the farthest)
- Car talk
- War
- The depression
- The past
- Generations
- Other history
- Countries they come from
- Geography
- Natural disasters
- World trivia
- Sports magazines
- Newspaper stories
- Current events
- Woodcrafts/woodworking
- Build model airplanes
- Remote control cars
- Build birdhouses
- Build bird feeders
- Knot tying
- Kite building
- Build wind chimes
- Wood sanding
- Magnetic poetry
- Pumpkin carving/painting
- Whittling/carving
- Fix and polish bikes for kids for Christmas
- Paper airplanes (making and throwing contest)
- Photography (inexpensive with a digital camera)
- Organize a toolbox (ie: sorting screws, nuts and bolts)
- Organize a fishing tackle box (ie: sorting bobbers and weights)
- Polish antiques found at garage sales or second hand stores (sell or use)
- Mechanics (taking apart small appliances or items they can put back together again)
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