Activities for Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Dementia activities should focus on enjoyment rather than achievement. A caregiver would want these dementia activities to reduce boredom but not to over stimulate either.
Laughter is always the best medicine. Though the patient may not always understand your humor, they can appreciate a good tease, a little nonsense and some clowning around.
Movement is very important for many dementia patients, as they can become prone to sit for long periods in one place doing seated activities like board games and crosswords. Walks outside or mild exercises, either seated or standing, can help to get the blood moving again and ward off boredom and a sense of isolation if they’ve been without much group activity.
With Alzheimer’s and dementia activities care should be taken to eliminate expected outcomes and focus primarily on the activity itself. Cognitive dysfunction makes remembering game rules, sequences and strategies very difficult, if not impossible in later stages of the diseases. Slower paced activities involving simple repetition can prove most effective. Sometimes it is just a fidgeting type of activity that can best keep these seniors occupied.
Activity blankets or fidget aprons, also called Activity Aprons that a low functioning senior can keep on their lap, that has many activities for their hands like strings to tie or braid, buttons to open and close, etc, are good to keep them occupied for a time and keep the hands and fingers nimble.
Maintain dementia activities within the senior’s abilities rather than trying to teach new ones. Introducing the requirement for new skills will add to the patients frustration and the caregiver’s as well.
Playing cards can be a great activity for those with dementia, on their own or with a small or large group.
Games you can play with cards are:
- sorting cards by numbers or by suit
- matching cards, can do by numbers with one deck, or match exact cards if you have two or more decks of cards
- War
- Crazy Eights
- Old Maid
- Go Fish
- Twenty One
- make up a new game!
Other Alzheimer’s and dementia activities to try:
- Memory Jogging Puzzles that encourage problem solving, like word search, sudoku and crosswords.
- Large piece puzzles
- Activity Apron
These are activity aprons or blankets that lay on a patients lap and they practice dexterity and coordination with buttons and laces. - Music therapy. This can be as simple as singing along to old and familiar tunes or just playing a simple instrument like a xylophone. Music therapy elevates the mood and puts smiles on faces for longer periods of time. Making music with several different musical instruments and with others in a group activity, can make for a pleasant time for everyone.
- watering plants
- weeding and gardening
- watching movies
- taking a walk
- mixing ingredients
- cooking
- looking through old photographs
- reminiscing
- light conversation
- reading aloud
- flower arranging
- folding socks, towels or other laundry
- sorting buttons or beads
- wearing silly hats and other costume items
Some craft ideas are:
- Clay shaping and molding
- Stringing beads
- Painting
- Card and picture making
There is really no end to creative ideas for crafts that can be themed by season or monthly based on occasions each month.
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